Forester Follow-Up: NCX Next Generation Methodology

  • Follow-up discussion for foresters about the NCX Next Generation Harvest Deferral Methodology webinar

  • A look at the implications for foresters and landowners

  • Question and answer session with open discussion

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The carbon market that works for everyone. Learn more about how consulting foresters can engage with NCX.


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Foresters who watch Forester Follow-Up: NCX Next Generation Methodology may also enjoy:

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Raising the Bar: An Overview of the NCX Next Generation Harvest Deferral Methodology

Webinar On-Demand: Watch an overview and discussion of the NCX next generation harvest deferral methodology. For the best experience, watch this before the forester follow-up webinar above.

Dr. Nan Pond and Dr. Spencer Meyer introduce our new approach, describe what’s changed, and explain how it sets a new standard for quality in forest carbon credits.

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Building Markets for All the Values of Forests

NCX is the Natural Capital Exchange. Our mission is to put all the benefits of natural systems on the same economic footing as timber.

Forest carbon, wildlife habitat, water yield, and fire risk reduction are just some of the benefits society gains from forests.  

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Transparency Drives Trust in Carbon Credit Quality

NCX has announced a new, open-source approach to quantifying forest carbon. Because the planet needs it.

Quality, transparency, and accountability must be at the heart of how we tap into nature's most scalable and accessible carbon capture technology.

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