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We are in the most critical decade for the climate. Together, we can drive real, immediate, scalable, efficient impact. That is why we are proud to sponsor Sustainability Week USA and look forward to seeing you there.

Join us for a conversation about innovative answers to this generation's most pressing challenge. See you in our nation's capital!

NCX: Economist Impact Webinar


How to Scale-up Nature-Based Carbon-Removal Activities
June 16, 2022
11:00 a.m. EDT | 8:00 a.m. PDT

Everyone is welcome, including leaders who were not able to attend Economist Sustainability Week 2022.

To mitigate climate change, protect biodiversity and build resilience into ecosystems, many people point to the promise of nature-based solutions. This refers to ways to conserve, restore, or better manage the environment by removing CO2 from the atmosphere, such as through forest regrowth or the restoration of coastal wetlands. However, there are barriers to scaling up these solutions, notably a lack of awareness as to their effectiveness and how the system of carbon credits works.

How do nature-based solutions work in a variety of contexts, from agriculture and marine ecosystems to forestry? What is the role of carbon credits and how can programs grow while ensuring high standards of quality?

How can partnerships with local communities and stakeholders be further strengthened? And what role can technical innovations play so that nature-based solutions realize their fullest potential?

Zack Parisa


Co-Founder and CEO, NCX

Adriana Vidal


Senior forest policy officer - Climate change, IUCN

Tilmann Silber


Global lead, Thriving Nature, Barry Callebaut Group

Pratima Singh


Principal, Policy and Insights, Economist Impact

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